Top10 SEO Tips for Improving SEO on Your website 2023:

10 Most Important SEO Tips You needs to Know :

Here are  very common questions related to SEO rankings: How to improve seo in 2021 or How to boost seo?

To improve SEO ,These are the Top 10 Seo tips that will help you to increase seo and get better ranking in Google

  1. Reduce Website Speed loading Speed
  2. Make Relevant outbound links
  3. Optimize SEO Meta Title
  4. Optimize SEO Meta Description
  5. Image Optimization
  6. Maintain Keywords Density
  7. Use proper heading Structure
  8. Write for humains (Readability)
  9. Make Relevant Backlinks
  10. Page Structure


1- Reduce Website loading Speed :

Do you think speeding up your website doesn’t matter?

It would be a huge mistake.1st Top and the most important thing in SEO tips relate to your website Speed; if you ignore then the following issue may occur 

A one-second delay in page loading time :

  • 11% fewer page views
  • Customer satisfaction drops by 16%
  • Conversions lost 7%

A slow-loading site will negatively impact your ability to attract visitors and sell.

seo tips,website speed optimization

But, unfortunately, it’s impossible to ignore it.

It is important to have a fast website, not only for ranking well on Google but also for maintaining high profits. It plays a very important role in seo according to search engine optimization tips 2021.

2- Make Relevant outbound links:

External links are also known as outbound links. They direct your visitors to other websites on the Internet via pages on your website. Outbound links are different from inbound links, which direct visitors to pages on your site. Instead, they send visitors to completely other sites.

Outbound links are those that link to your website. However, outbound links are also possible if you link directly to another website.

External links are more valuable than internal links, in general. It is because search engines consider what others say about you more important than your own. It means that it will make you appear more trustworthy if you have more sites linking to your site.

External links can be difficult to manipulate, so search engines use them to determine the popularity or relevance of pages and websites.

3- Optimize SEO Meta Title :

Search engine result pages (SERPs), which display the clickable headline of a particular result, have title tags. They are crucial for SEO, usability, and social sharing. According to seo tips 2021, the title tag on a web page should be a concise and accurate description of the page’s content.

What are Title Tags?

Meta Title, seo Title,seo tips

 A title tag is an HTML element that lies within the HTML.

Each page of your website should have a title tag. The purpose of title tags is to give the user context about the page they will visit. The page meta title tags can only be found at the top of the browser, search engine results page, or multiple social media pages. They are essential for SEO rankings, despite their relatively minimal presence.

4- Optimize SEO Meta Description:

Meta Description, seo description,seo tips

A meta description is an HTML attribute that gives a summary of a webpage. 

Google and other search engines often include the meta description in search results. It can impact click-through rates.

5- Image Optimization:

We are sure that you don’t want Google to dislike your website. You can decrease the file size of your images to improve the performance of your website. Modifying images can make them less attractive, which could lead to visitors hating your website. It is a good thing, provided they aren’t too ugly.

In SEO tips, image optimization is the most important factor that has multiple benefits regarding your site rankings in Google. First, images can attract and engage your user. Second, people can use your pictures with your reference that may cause an increment of your traffic with a do-follow link.

6- Maintain Keywords Density

In Seo tips 2021, Keyword density plays a very important role in the ranking of the sites in google.  Many blog writers write that your primary keyword density should be greater than other keywords you have used in your content.

Well yes! It is written, but they also said that your primary keyword density should not be greater than 1% But we have seen that many ranking sites have a keyword density of more than 1%. Their keyword density lies between 1-5%.

We will never ask you to maintain your primary keyword density greater than 1% but remember to always do your competitors Analysis first, then select your initial keyword density.

Are you confused about selecting keyword density ????

Ok, let me tell you what exactly!

Listen first to check your top 5 competitors’ keyword density, then take their average. Whatever the answer is, we select that one at your keyword density you will never hit by google for high keyword density as google knows best that keyword density varies from niche to niche.

7- Use proper heading Structure :

Headings assist search engines and users in understanding and read text. They act as signs for readers and help them understand what pages or posts are about. Headings define the most important parts of your content and show how they are interconnected.

8- Write for humains (Readability) :

Humans are your source for leads and sales. Your content and copy will be more effective if you can connect with them by writing in conversation.

If your writing is too difficult to read, prospects won’t be able to read it. Your words are too difficult for him to read. Your writing should be an open door that leads your reader to your ideas,” Will Newman Freelance Copywriter, said. Newman continued by pointing out that “dumbing down” your content doesn’t necessarily mean you should write conversationally.

9- Make Relevant Backlinks

Relevancy Matters 100%; if you are a technology expert and your backlinks come from a food site, it will affect your rankings badly, and maybe you will be penalized by google.

Credibility is built by the presence of backlinks to your website,,It is a huge factor in seo tips and tricks . A high number of backlinks can indicate that your website is an authority on a topic or keyword. Therefore, when a search engine calculates the algorithm for ranking search results, the quality and quantity of backlinks are considered.

10- Page Structure

Your page structure should be user friendly and search engine friendly (Crawling purpose).

Basic pages must link to at most one other page and receive a link back at least from one. This is the basic internal linking. It’s a great idea to create a Silo structure for your posts and blog categories. This will help you improve your SEO. The more links you have between your pages, the better.

By following the above  basic seo tips you can  improve website seo or rank in google search engine easily. Inshort you can say that these are google search optimization tips.

About Roniyal Devid

With a passion for all things tech, Roniyal Devid has established himself as a leading voice in the world of technology blogging. As the founder and chief editor of a renowned technology blog, Roniyal offers insightful, in-depth, and up-to-date content that caters to both tech novices and experts alike.

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